Partners & Donors


CAMEALEON works with a number of partners, consultants, and service providers to ensure that CAMEALEON research and activities are being carried out in an efficient and effective manner.


The American University of Beirut (AUB) is a private, non-sectarian, and independent institution of higher learning founded to provide excellence in education, to participate in the advancement of knowledge through research, and to serve the peoples of the Middle East and beyond.


Ground Truth Solutions is an international non-governmental organisation that helps people affected by crisis influence the design and implementation of humanitarian aid. It also captures the perspective of field staff and local partner organisations as a counterpoint to the views of those caught up in humanitarian crises.


Exigo Research & Communications is an independent and non-partisan consulting firm headquartered in Madrid, Spain. The team of local and international experts include monitoring and evaluation specialists, social researchers, technical experts and media experts with on the ground experience and access to hard to reach and marginalised communities around the world.


The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) is a dynamic global network of over 90 organisations engaged in the critical areas of policy, practice and research in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and financial assistance more broadly. Collectively, CaLP members deliver the vast majority of humanitarian CVA worldwide.

CaLP enables collaboration between organizations to increase the scale and quality of CVA, while also supporting them to make their own progress. This is achieved through bringing organizations together to strengthen capacity, knowledge, coordination and policy for CVA.


The Durable Solutions Platform (DSP) is a joint initiative of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Action Against Hunger (AAH), Oxfam and Save the Children. It works to generate knowledge and convene dialogue on the long-term future of displaced Syrians.

Since its establishment in 2016, the DSP has conducted research on key questions regarding durable solutions for displaced Syrians, including on challenges to voluntary repatriation in safety and dignity, local integration in the region and resettlement to third countries. The DSP engages stakeholders in the region and beyond in evidence-based strategic discussions.

Moreover, the DSP promotes the inclusion of Syrian civil society in policy discussions around solutions to displacement and, to this end, invests in capacity building of Syrian CSO’s. This includes organising workshops and roundtable discussions with civil society in the region.

Key Aid

Key Aid Consulting is an agile international consulting group based in France, with partnerships across the globe. Key Aid Consulting has developed a strong reputation in evaluation, adult learning and cash and market-based programming. Key Aid Consulting services focus on improving assistance to crisis-affected households across the globe. It does so through promoting increased learning and accountability, delivering innovative evaluations, designing customized guidance and inspiring training materials for key stakeholders in the humanitarian world.

Key Aid Consulting offers a unique contextual and thematic command, as it has conducted the review of the Lebanon One Unified Inter-Organizational System for E-cards (LOUISE) in 2020, as well as a value for money study of WFP’s multipurpose cash assistance programme in Lebanon in 2019.


The American University of Beirut (AUB) is a private, non-sectarian, and independent institution of higher learning founded to provide excellence in education, to participate in the advancement of knowledge through research, and to serve the peoples of the Middle East and beyond.


Ground Truth Solutions is an international non-governmental organisation that helps people affected by crisis influence the design and implementation of humanitarian aid. It also captures the perspective of field staff and local partner organisations as a counterpoint to the views of those caught up in humanitarian crises.


Exigo Research & Communications is an independent and non-partisan consulting firm headquartered in Madrid, Spain. The team of local and international experts include monitoring and evaluation specialists, social researchers, technical experts and media experts with on the ground experience and access to hard to reach and marginalised communities around the world.


The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) is a dynamic global network of over 90 organisations engaged in the critical areas of policy, practice and research in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and financial assistance more broadly. Collectively, CaLP members deliver the vast majority of humanitarian CVA worldwide.

CaLP enables collaboration between organizations to increase the scale and quality of CVA, while also supporting them to make their own progress. This is achieved through bringing organizations together to strengthen capacity, knowledge, coordination and policy for CVA.


The Durable Solutions Platform (DSP) is a joint initiative of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Action Against Hunger (AAH), Oxfam and Save the Children. It works to generate knowledge and convene dialogue on the long-term future of displaced Syrians.

Since its establishment in 2016, the DSP has conducted research on key questions regarding durable solutions for displaced Syrians, including on challenges to voluntary repatriation in safety and dignity, local integration in the region and resettlement to third countries. The DSP engages stakeholders in the region and beyond in evidence-based strategic discussions.

Moreover, the DSP promotes the inclusion of Syrian civil society in policy discussions around solutions to displacement and, to this end, invests in capacity building of Syrian CSO’s. This includes organising workshops and roundtable discussions with civil society in the region.

Key Aid

Key Aid Consulting is an agile international consulting group based in France, with partnerships across the globe. Key Aid Consulting has developed a strong reputation in evaluation, adult learning and cash and market-based programming. Key Aid Consulting services focus on improving assistance to crisis-affected households across the globe. It does so through promoting increased learning and accountability, delivering innovative evaluations, designing customized guidance and inspiring training materials for key stakeholders in the humanitarian world.

Key Aid Consulting offers a unique contextual and thematic command, as it has conducted the review of the Lebanon One Unified Inter-Organizational System for E-cards (LOUISE) in 2020, as well as a value for money study of WFP’s multipurpose cash assistance programme in Lebanon in 2019.


CAMEALEON's work would not be possible without the generous support from UK aid from the British people, the European Union, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU Madad Fund, the German Federal Foreign Office, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. CAMEALEON is funded by the same donors funding the WFP MPC programme, namely the UK aid from the British people, the European Union through the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian crisis (the EU Madad Fund), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) and the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO).


The European Union’s (EU) Regional Trust Fund pools an increasing share of the EU’s aid to the region into one single and flexible instrument. The Fund primarily addresses educational, economic, social, and health needs of Syrian refugees while also supporting overstretched local communities and their administrations. The EU Trust Fund bridges the nexus between humanitarian relief and development aid: (1) It addresses early recovery, as well as resilience and self-reliance needs of refugees and IDPs, in a manner that also benefits local communities, and preserves the stability of neighbouring countries; (2) It supports countries hosting refugees by investing in health and education, economic development, job creation and integration into labour markets, for both local communities and refugees, especially vulnerable groups such as women and youth.


The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) works for Norway’s interests internationally: to safeguard the country’s freedom, security and prosperity. Norway’s interests are determined by such factors as its geographical location in a strategically important area, its open economy, its position as a coastal state and steward of substantial marine resources, and its extensive exports of oil and gas.  The Ministry also works to promote peace and security, an international legal system, an economically just world order and sustainable development. Finding a solution to issues of this kind is in Norway’s interests too, while at the same time efforts in these areas are an expression of international solidarity.


The German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) is the foreign ministry of Germany that promotes international exchange and offers protection and assistance to Germans abroad. It also maintains Germany’s relations with other countries as well as with international and supra-national organisations. GFFO promotes intensive interaction and exchange with the world in the fields of business, culture, science and technology, the environment, development issues and many more.


The EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) department has been providing assistance to people in need since 1992. Its annual humanitarian budget is just over €1 billion, and helps millions of people across the globe each year.


The Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) is a ministerial department in the UK government, supported by 12 agencies and public bodies. FCDO works on pursuing the UK’s national interests and projects as a force for good in the world. It promotes the interests of British citizens, safeguards the UK’s security, defends their values, reduces poverty, and tackles global challenges with international partners.